
Honeycomb ceiling HONEYCOMB® - we open our own production! 05 December 2022

As a fact, the Honeycomb® ceiling has been undeservedly overlooked this year. Since this type of ceiling is manufactured in France, there were certain difficulties with its use: the delivery time did not make it possible to use this product promptly, manufacturer restrictions did not allow its use in areas less than 20 m2, color versions with all the overhead costs were quite expensive in the end ...

It is likely that unpleasant geopolitical events have contributed to a decrease in demand for products that are highly dependent on external trade relations. And now we are happy to announce that from now on we can produce the HONEYCOMB® cellular ceiling ourselves!!! The cell sizes available to you are medium (6 honeycombs per 1 linear meter) and large cell sizes (4 honeycombs per 1 linear meter), with a height from 80 to 400 mm.

We can paint it in any color you want, in any palette, and create it for absolutely any shape of room. You don't need heavy suspension systems to install it. Fastening occurs to an aluminum profile, pre-painted in the color of the walls, or at the design stage, “hidden” in a niche pocket. You can use it with different types of lighting: placed above a decorative ceiling, inside honeycombs, or led lights underneath, providing spot lighting.

This is an absolutely unique, exclusive ceiling, provided with the M1 fire safety certificate. It can be installed turnkey within a few weeks either by the customer according to our detailed instructions or with an online engineering support.

The Honeycomb® ceiling is versatile for use in narrow passages and corridors, irregularly shaped lobbies, in rooms with low height potential and is also excellent in heights from 160 to 400 cm in rooms of large areas and spaces, with excess heights if you need visually “lower the ceiling”.

Do you need to quickly create a brand zone? Do you have a temporary exhibition or event coming up? Office? .... Shopping room? ... There are no areas where this ceiling would not be suitable for use!

And most importantly, any size, any color, here and now!