
Keep on creating interesting projects! 27 July 2021

We present one of these projects in the Crimea, in the city of Alupka (the customer did not want to disclose the location of the facility): a modern spa center with restaurants, bars and recreational buildings. Everything you need to plunge into a state of complete serenity and relaxation. And that is best done under our eco-friendly ceilings made of architectural non-flammable paper.

The most popular type of decorative ceiling is Wave®ceiling, which is created by the inspiration and talent of our decorators. Indeed, they are the real artists behind this amazing design. In production, a Wave®ceiling is simply a square meter of striped paper, from which the patterns are then hand woven onto the surface. It is not possible to produce this type of ceiling in our workshop. It can only be created on site.

In this project, two "chandeliers" with a diameter of 3 m and a height of 500 mm were created.

The author of the project: INCUST design studio, lead designer: Amina Shamilova

You want a little seaside inspiration? Then watch our photo/video